Poetry Place


Poetry Place is a literary and educational institute which seeks, since its founding in 2002, to promote literature in Israel and world-wide: a home for writers and literary artists which holds literary performances, poetry festivals, a range of writing workshops, and runs a publishing house, in Jerusalem and in Haifa. Poetry Place operates the College for Literary Arts: a post-secondary school that offers a first of its kind curriculum for future literary artists.


The foundation of Poetry Place on 14 May 2002 at the Lev Ha'ir Community Administration was initiated by Gilad Meiri, at the time Lev Ha'ir's community culture and television coordinator. He recruited the Jerusalemite poets Gil Elroy, Shai Dotan, Ariel Zinder and Lyor Shternberg, and they named their group Ktovet (address). Ktovet endeavored to promote poetry in Israel and specifically in Jerusalem, and to develop the city's cultural status. The name Poetry Place alluded to the absence of a worthy place for poetry in Jerusalem.

The group operated voluntarily and jointly undertook the artistic direction for the events held at Poetry Place. They served as hosts, arranged for refreshment and organized chairs for years and with dedication. In 2003, Dorit Weisman joined the group and Gil Elroy retired. Yair Eldan and Yuval Yavneh joined for a time and retired. In 2007 Dr. Noa Shakargy joined the Poetry Place then one-man staff (Meiri, in a part time position) in the framework of her national service.

In 2008 the poetry festival Meter on Meter was produced for the first time, and in 2009 the Ktovet Journal published its first issue (8 sheets have been published by 2011). In 2013 the Ktovet group dispersed.

In 2010 Poetry Place moved to Musrara, the Naggar Multidisciplinary School of Art and Society and in September 2011 it moved once again to the Ginot Ha'ir community administration on Emek Refa'im Street. From 2015 to 2018 Poetry Place operated at 43 Emek Refa'im Street. From 2018 Poetry Place has found a home in 9 Hama'aravim Street, at the Mahane Israel neighborhood in Jerusalem.

Ongoing work

The College for Literary Arts

A post-secondary school which offers a solution for writers who are not interested in short term writing workshops or academic research, but would rather develop their work in a profound and continuous manner – in the bi-annual framework of 8 weekly courses. The unique structure of the school and its methodology are first of their kind in Israel. The studies at the college present before its students a broad range of genres: poetry, scriptwriting, prose, songwriting, translation and more. The admission process includes submitting a portfolio and a personal interview. Directed by Dr. Noa Shakargy and Dr. Gilad Meiri.

The Mandel Mentorship and Editing Track

A new track opened in 2023-2024: for graduates and the broad public – a prestigious, the program is free of charge. 

The program consists of two complementary components: individual and group work. The individual work offers ten two-hour sessions of personal mentorship and editing by a professional editor in the student’s field of expertise. This component spans the entire academic year and concludes at the end of the fiscal year. The group work is concurrent with the university academic year and aims to provide inspiration, literary tools, and a professional framework for support and discussion. It includes four courses: two reading (or listening) courses for each semester.

Writing workshops

The College of Literary Arts' writing workshops offer short-term semestrial courses (12 meetings) in poetry, for adults and youth, as well as a workshop instructors' course.

Publishing house

The Poetry Place Publishing House focuses on the publication of Hebrew poetry books by contemporary poets – both senior and new, with an emphasis on poets from the College for Literary Art's community.

Editorial board: Amichai Chasson, Dr. Gilad Meiri, Rotem Atar, Dr. Noa Shakargy. Coordinator: Aviv Peter.

Nanopoetica – a journal for short literature.

The quarterly is dedicated mainly to poetry, but also accepts short prose and at times also short essays. The first issue every year is dedicated to the to world poetry. The second is an open-themed issue published in June in celebration of reading month. The third issue is published in the fall and is dedicated to alternating themes. The last yearly issue is guest-edited by a translator and is dedicated to a specific people and/or language. The journal was established in 2013. Founder and editor in chief – Gilad Meiri. Co-founders: Noa Shakargy, Alex Ben Ari. Members of the editorial board: Sapir Jonas, Netzer Lau, Ronny Someck.

Ma'ala – a periodical for literary criticism

The periodical's name denotes its chief ambition: to elevate the literary discourse, to search for the higher motives in writing literary criticism, and to point out the indices for reviewing a literary work. The quarterly is regularly published on the first of March, June, September and December, online and in print. Established in 2021. Founder and editor in chief: Dr. Noa Shakargy. Member of the editorial board: Atara Ben Hannan, Dr. Gilad Meiri, Aviv Peter.

"Meter al Meter" (square meter) – Jerusalem Poetry Festival

A three-day festival held annually on July since 2008. The festival took place 16 times, spotlighting poets whose books have been published in the past year.

Poetry Place's poetry award in memory of Haim Gouri

The prize is meant to preserve and spread Poet Haim Gouri's heritage; to encourage ground breaking poetry and literary entrepreneurship. The award, totaling 30,000 ILS, is either bestowed upon one or two artists, subject to the award committee's discretion, at the opening of the Meter al Meter Festival. Candidates are Israeli residents who have published at least two (original) poetry books, one of them in the past five years. The award is granted annually since 2021.

Literary performances and exhibitions

Poetry Place hosts various literary events throughout the year: meetings with artists, book launches, lectures, homages, exhibitions etc. Producer: Netzer Lau.

The Haifa Poetry Place

Was established in 2019. The center on 5 Sirkin Street at the Talpiot Market holds a range of literary events, writing workshops and more. Founder and director: Rotem Atar.

The Hebrew Poetry Treasure

An internet initiative (since 2018) that catalogues poetry according to themes and sub-themes. The purpose of the initiative is to offer a broad solution to consumers of Hebrew poetry in Israel and globally, who search for poems in specific fields of interest for pedagogy and research, as well as for aesthetic purposes, according to thematic, generational and structural categories. In light of the division's comments, we intend to streamline the classification methodology and improve the website by employing a skilled professional in the digital and literary fields. We will improve the tagging precision, and increase yield accordingly. Editor: Shira Meiri.

A community television magazine

A 30 minute magazine broadcasted on a monthly basis on channel 98 since 2013. Until today, over 120 programs have been broadcast – and uploaded online. Founder and editor: Dorit Weisman.


Poetry Place maintains a library for its college community.

Our people

The staff at Poetry Place

Dr. Gilad Meiri (co-director), Dr. Noa Shakargy (co-director), Shirin Zohara Magen (administrative manager, students' coordinator), Rotem Atar (director of the Haifa branch),  Nati Magen (financial officer), Aviv Peter (publishing coordinator), Netzer Lau (artistic director), Yosi Amano (caretaker).

Members of the Poetry Place Association

Moshe Dvir (chairman), Prof. Gadi Gazer (board), Mali Feder (board), Dr. Yair Eldan (audit committee), Amos Degani (audit committee), Oren Ben Yosef, Haim Goldgraber, Dr. Gilad Meiri, Rotem Atar, Alon Eran, Moran Shoub Rubashov, Dr. Noa Shakargy.


Gil Elroy, Shai Dotan, Ariel Zinder, Gilad Meiri, Lyor Shternberg

Poetry Place's activity is supported by the Culture Division at the Jerusalem Municipality and by the Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports.